The Videoclix iCMS provides a platform to manage, author, distribute and monetize all of your video content, seamlessly.

- View and manage your account
- Upload Videos and other rich media
- Autonomously track, tag and categorize all objects
- Set syndication and distribution rules
- Generate custom embed tags
- Access detailed metrics and analytics
- View your earnings and account statement
The VideoClix Interactive Editor allows you to add interactivity and monetization solutions to each video.

- Add and edit interactive display content
- Add multiple layers of fun facts and trivia for each object
- Add and edit chapters
- Add tags and metadata to your videos
- Link products to e-commerce back ends and merchants
- Manage ad campaigns and fallback campaigns for each object
- Restrict ad display by date, caps, region, demographic…
- Ensure each video is ready to “Go Live” using the
VideoClix Quality Assurance System